with such a severe disability since birth.
Facts & Goals
World record holder
in the T1 three-wheeler class, in which Germany had no competitor for many years.
with leg emphasized tetra spasticity who skates standing up, surfs and reached round 2 in surfing at the ADH Open 2019.
who has successfully obtained his driving licence.
jumping into the water with a wheelchair from a 7.5 m high tower.
Bachelor II;
B.A. Sport and Health in
Prevention and Therapy
M.Sc. Exercise Science and Coaching
German Sport University (GSU), Cologne
DFB-Team Cologne;
Certificate study for game- and video-analyzing
DFB-Analyst for the European Championship 2016
Certified Strength and Conditioning Trainer license B IFAA
Bachelor I;
B.Sc. Scientific Principles of Sports
Technical University of Munich (TUM)/ Faculty of Sport and Health Science
Exchange student of Sport Science
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Juror at Foundation Lebensspur e.V,