Facts & Goals

Sports scientist
World record holder


First sports student in Europe

with such a severe disability since birth.

Start for Germany

in the T1 three-wheeler class, in which Germany had no competitor for many years.

Only athlete in the world

with leg emphasized tetra spasticity who skates standing up, surfs and reached round 2 in surfing at the ADH Open 2019.

First person with tetra spastic in Germany

who has successfully obtained his driving licence.

World record holder

jumping into the water with a wheelchair from a 7.5 m high tower.

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Weitere Informationen


Bachelor II;
B.A. Sport and Health in
Prevention and Therapy

M.Sc. Exercise Science and Coaching
German Sport University (GSU), Cologne

DFB-Team Cologne;
Certificate study for game- and video-analyzing
DFB-Analyst for the European Championship 2016

Certified Strength and Conditioning Trainer license B IFAA

Bachelor I;
B.Sc. Scientific Principles of Sports
Technical University of Munich (TUM)/ Faculty of Sport and Health Science

Exchange student of Sport Science
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Juror at Foundation Lebensspur e.V,


Book author
"Nobody slows me down"

Responsible CNS structures for changed muscle activation patterns and EMG-data after exercise interventions - a holistic model (in progress)

The Coordinationdynamical Resistance and Endurance Training (CRET) AV AkademikerVerlag Saarbrücken